Friday, 9 November 2012

An argument and an update on a psychopath

Just got an IM saying "Hey" from the very important engineer. Needless to say I've learned my lesson and won't be answering.

Topic number two: an argument with a man who can spell the word "and" and writes really personalized messages.
So I wrote about this message in my huge POF update blog post, and he's back for more. With the same message. I will preface this by saying I've had several guys do this: literally the same message twice in a row over the course of a few days or weeks, like they can see that they already sent me that EXACT message in the past but do it again anyway? How is this acceptable as a way to gain a woman?

So...let me get this wasn't a copy and paste message the first time but you figured that re-sending the message to me again would get me swooning?

Did I get a little heated? Yes. Was I tempted to point out that it's "and" not "an"? Yes. I was pretty frustrated with the repeat messages I'd been getting so I took it out on this one guy, so sue me.

I think I'm gunna start fucking with guys who write me shitty messages, out of boredom and also for fun blogging purposes, on a regular basis. It's official that POF is LITERALLY ruining my life.
Now for the fun part.
